Wednesday, 13 August 2014

SEPHORA | Paris Haul

Hello lovelies! I've now been to Paris! It was incredible, one of the most amazing places I have ever been too! BUT im not going to tell you too much as I have multiple blog posts that are coming in the near future to tell you all about it!
Anyway one of my main goals in Paris was to visit and buy something from Sephora. We do not have a Sephora anywhere in England so when I found out I was going to Paris I actually thought how good it will be to go to Sephora! If you don't know what it is, its a shop that sells high end make-up, Perfume, and has its own Brands! I purchased the MAC Powder at Birmingham Airport but they did sell it in Sephora so im technically not cheating! I got all Sephora's own brand of Bubble bath, Body lotion and fizzy cubes! The shop itself had an amazing atmosphere so even then I knew I had to buy something!

I can't wait to tell you more about my trip so keep an eye out and I'll see you soon.


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