Sunday, 15 December 2013

JLS Concert: Outfit of the Evening and Meeting Support Acts!

Hello Everyone!
So, yesterday evening I went to The JLS: Goodbye Concert at the LG Arena in Birmingham! It was amazing, but so emotional! They're one of my favourite groups and seeing them live was just perfect!

Before JLS performed there were three support acts and I met two them - NVS and Hatty Keane! I've seen NVS at JLS' previous tour, but had never met them! Everyone was so lovely! Danny from NVS is my favourite and he hugged me! WOW!

Meeting NVS - It was amazing! Hugged each one of them and they're so lovely!

Meeting Hatty Keane!

Autographs from NVS and Hatty Keane!

After such an amazing night, I just want to go back and relive it! What's the best concert you've been to? Who would you like to see?

Love you lovelies!
Laura xo

Top: JLS Merchandise Website. Disco Pants: American Apparel. Shoes: Converse. Frilly Socks: Primark


  1. love those disco pants! such a nice colour
