Tuesday, 17 December 2013

The Liebster Award!

Hello Everyone!

I'm a bit off topic today, but I've been tagged by http://beautybyeden.blogspot.co.uk/ to do this! Thank you very much by the way! I've read the whole of her blog now and it's so good! If I were you I'd go follow it!

With this tag, you're meant to:
- List 11 random facts about yourself
- Answer the 11 questions provided by the blogger who nominated you
- Choose 11 more nominees and ask them eleven questions (they must have 200 followers or less) - and obviously let them know they've been nominated!

Right, I think I'll just go with it then! My 11 random facts! I'm not the most random of people!

1) I can do the alphabet backwards in under 4 seconds!

2) I cannot walk past Starbucks without buying something! Oopsy!

3) I'm the only person in my family who has blue eyes!

4) I was born on the 9/9/1999 at 9:49

5) My ringtone never changes, it's always the Mission Impossible theme tune!

6) I've been to America 4 times - Florida three times and New York Once - America is my favourite place!

7) I go to a lot of concerts! They're like one of my favourite things!

8) I crave pancakes 24/7, but never actually eat them unless it's pancake day!

9) I want to live in London!

10) I cant stand it when people walk really slow and drag their feet!

11) I get into my pyjamas straight after school unless I'm going out! Better to be comfy!

Now for Eden's Questions!

1) How many pets have you had? Names and other info.
    I've never had a pet! I've been deprived of having one as my sister and Dad have reactions to them!

 2) Favourite day of the week?

    I'd like to say Saturday! But during school Tuesday's are my favourite!

3) If every makeup brand bankrupted and you could only save one, which would it be?

    Oh my goodness! What would I choose, there are so many! I'd have to save Rimmel London, because I use it most!

4) If you had to move anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I'd move to New York, USA because there's so much to do and different areas that range instead of it all the same!

5) Favourite Book?
I have loads, but currently 'Let It Snow' by John Green, otherwise 'The Fault In Our Stars'!

6) First watched YouTuber/Blogger?
I have a lot that I started watching, but the main two on YouTube are Zoe Sugg (Zoella) and Tanya Burr! 
Bloggers: Danielle Kimberly - I found her on Instagram and she has such a good blog! Then the obvious ones are Tanya and Zoe! But I read and watch a lot of people!

7) Have you ever dyed your hair, if yes what colours?
I have, but only half my head! Kind of dip dye, but more subtle and blonde!

8) Favourite place to go?
In the UK, London, it's amazing! But from around where I live, Birmingham is really good for shops! Just in general, shopping is my favourite place to go!

9) Summer or Winter?
A lot may disagree, but I prefer Winter! It's all cosy and cute! Plus, Christmas is in Winter, so really it's a win-win situation!

10) Favourite Quote?
Its a long one ok! This quote is from One Tree Hill!

 "You ever look a picture of yourself, and see a stranger in the background? It makes you wonder how many strangers have pictures of you. How many moments of other peoples life have we been in? Were we a part of someone's life when their dream came true or were we there when their dream died? Did we keep trying to get in? As if we were somehow destined to be there or did the shot take us by surprise? Just think, you could be a big part of someone elses life, and not even know it."

11) Anyone you'd swap lives with for a day?
There's just so many! Probably for a Boy/Man Louis Cole (Fun For Louis) as he lives an adventure and looks amazing! For a Girl I'm going to stick to YouTubers I think - Zoe Sugg! She's absolutely gorgeous and has an amazing life from what I can see haha! Also I want her hair!

I would Like to Tag

I know and realise I only have 5 people tagged! But I didn't want to do too many, as I wanted to show upcoming people who I've seen and heard about!

My Questions!

Favourite Book?
What are you most afraid of?
3 favourite Phrases?
Favourite Quote?
If you could only have winged eyeliner or dark lips for winter what would it be?
Favourite place you have been too?
What is your favourite TV Show?
First Blog you read?
Least favourite day of the Week?
Snow or Sun?
Who would you swap live's with for a day?

Message me or comment to me when/if you've done this! Thank you so much!

Love you lovelies!
Laura xo

1 comment:

  1. Hey Laura Ann, I've answered your questions on my blog! :) thank you so much for the tag it was great fun! :)

    xoxo www.cycybeauty.blogspot.com
