Saturday 18 January 2014

Weekend OOTD!

Hello everyone!

It is indeed the weekend! That consists of two days which means two outfits - clever counting laura! I'm going to show you two outfits and I will hopefully inspire your outfit choices!

So on Saturday I was a little dressy but fashion is a statement not a style, fashion does not have to be worn casually nor outside the runway! So it does not matter!

Shoes: Top shop, Necklace & Rings: Primark, Bracelet: H&M, Frilly Socks: Primark, Dress: Primark!
So this outfit looks quite classy, old school but also very modern! I love it and wear this probably too much but it never gets old and seems to look different each time!

Sunday! On Sunday I went to the Pub with my family and its so lovely in there! It also has a very good WIFI connection!
Jumper: ASOS & eBay, Necklace: Primark, Boots: George-ASDA
So I wore jeans with this outfit but I left the bottoms out as you could pair it with leggings, jeans or even a skirt! My jumper is quite oversized so its very very comfortable and its my favourite jumper ever! The boots are just a must have for every outfit- they're so comfy! For me comfort is key so I like a lot of things that make me feel nice!

What did you do this weekend? Anything fancy or did you just chill?
Love you lovelies!
Laura xo


  1. The jumper is adorable.

  2. looooove the tartan jumper and cute shoes combination, adorable! xoxo

  3. The second outfit: I LOVE IT!


  4. Hi! I love your blog, so I've nominated you for the Liebster award. Check it out on my blog.

  5. The metallic shoes and ASOS jumper are my faves, love your choices!
